Congratulations to the winner in this year's 'Guess the Weight of the Cake' competition organised by the PA as part of Green Day.
Congratulations to the winner in the Guess the Weight competition organised by the PA for Green Day on 16th of March.
Holy Child BNS Parents' Association (PA) are inviting boys to wear their Christmas jumper to school on Friday 15th of December to kick off the festive season! To further entice us all into the festive spirit, we are hosting a Christmas Raffle on the same day. We have sourced a range of great prizes ranging from SIGNED Gaelic footballs, Smyths vouchers, Easons vouchers, toys and sweets...
Raffle tickets go on sale - in class - from Monday 4th to Thursday 14th of December (€1 per strip). On the day itself, we would ask for a donation of €1 for the festive 'Jumper Day'. All funds raised go towards enabling the PA to do much more for our boys in 2018. If you're thinking about becoming involved in the PA or have some ideas/suggestions, we would love to hear from you! Pictured below are some of our lovely prizes for the raffle! Our Parent Association kindly treated all the boys to an ice cream on Friday the 26th of May - the hottest day of the year so far! The boys were thrilled and are pictured above enjoying their treat, also pictured are members of the PA who assisted on the day. Thank you!
The Parents Association would like to say a big thank you to all the boys and their parents for supporting the Non-Uniform Day on the 7th of April.
The amount raised on the day was €446.15 which was an excellent achievement for our first fundraiser for the PA. The funds raised will be used to purchase outdoor noticeboards which will be used for displaying information for the parents / guardians and for future Parent Association activities.
"We are delighted to announce that our PA for the School is now formally set up! A number of parents have agreed to take up elected positions on the committee and together with the other parent volunteers are already planning events and activities. Each parent is invited to contribute in whatever way that you can, should you choose to do so - either with your time, no matter how limited it may be or with suggestions and ideas of how the school and the parents may work together for the boys in making their experience of school the very best that it can be. The PA will be in contact with you within the next few weeks to let you know who's who and what we are planning, but in the meantime, you can contact Eileen 087-6172713 or Sue 085-7693791 if you want to know more. All of your suggestions are guaranteed a very warm welcome." Eileen Gregory, Sue Heary, Co-Chairperson of PA |
January 2023