Our Green Schools Travel Officer visited us to carry out a Bike Skills workshop with the boys who regularly cycle to school. The workshop included cycling skills and safety tips such as emergency stops, shoulder checking and right and left hand turns. The session also involved practical bike maintenance pointers. The boys learned about brake tightening, handlebar alignment, moving parts lubrication and checking tyre pressure.
The workshop has hopefully helped the boys to be more confident in their own cycling ability and in how to fix and maintain their bike parts. Some photos of the workshop below.
The school Green Team recently took part in a Walkability Audit around the school area. The aim of this was to identify improvements that can be made to the most used walking routes to and from our school.
While out doing the audit, the students recorded different aspects of the walk (e.g. the amount of safe crossings, the width of the paths, the condition of footpaths). They even got to use a speed gun to check the driver behaviour in the area! The boys were accompanied by a Green Schools Travel Officer from An Taisce and Ms. Corri. It was a really enjoyable and beneficial outing for the boys! We received our Water flag at a presentation in DCU on Tuesday 23rd of May. We are so proud of our Green Team!
Members of our Green Team investigate any toilet leaks around the school using coloured dye. They checked both the senior and junior toilets for any leaks. They examined the water pressure in the taps. The boys then reported back to Mr O’ Rourke.
Senior classes completed projects about aquatic wildlife as part of our green schools water flag application. They did a fantastic job!